GW's goodies for this summer are going to keep us busy throughout the month but as I said before a "reasoned" practise of the hobby moneywise has become necessary unless you're sleeping on a s****load of banknotes. Here's my breakdown of August releases:
Garden of Morr: a place to give the Terrorgheist somewhere to rest between two meals. As Eldargal and others pointed out before, the sprues are really nice. The concept of modules being put together so people can remove some to put units in the cemetary is the major "plus" of the kit. The price is not bad either.
Banshee and Specter: the new plastic clamshell releases are good value: the sculpture is good if somehow basic and the base is textured so lazy modellers will have a good time NOT basing the model. Even if the specter has three head options, you will always assemble the same kit over and over with little posability options. Anyway, those kits are replacing aging metal minis and that's the good news.
Terrorgheist: the BFM of the month to go along the SoM releases. The kit can be assembled to become a Zombie Dragon or a Terrorgheist which is nice bitzwise. IMHO, the 'gheist is the most interesting kit (posing, texture of the body).
The rider's poses are weird at most: the vampire lord riding the dragon seems to strain his legs to get onto the beast (to add extra wackiness use the helmeted head !) and the ghoul king is "skating" his mount...
The real downside is that a dragon is a four legged reptile with wings and not a wyvern-like creature !! Elves have dragons and VC have wyverns !?
Herald of Tzeentch: so here we go for the finecast offer of the month... The disc is nice and reminds old players of the first disc-riders of Tzeentch, the herald is a variation of the basic horror with extra gear which is coherent with the whole Demon range. So what's the problem ? The price of course. 30 euros for this kit (38USD) is robbery IMHO (just as the SM Librarian kit). Modellers with some experience with putty can pull out an equivalent without shelling out so much money.
Battle Standards: Three banners in each pack – Tzeentch or Khorne – at 15 euros (almost 20 USD). No comment here really... another great bank robbery
That's all for this month, next month, the ogres are in !